Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spring Haul 2017 v. Work Hard, Play Harder

Good morning, beauties!

As some of you may know, I recently went back to working full time after taking quite a while off to stay home with my kids. We really needed the extra income so I found a job and have been working full time again for the last few months now. Anyway, I work my ass off, so I always try to set aside a few dollars to get something for myself from each paycheck (after bills, kids stuff, and expenses of course). Since one of my favorite stores (as you probably already know if you've followed me for a while) is Burlington Coat Factory, it's a no-brainer to use the money I put aside for myself there. A little bit of money goes quite a long way while shopping there vs going to the mall. Here are some things I've purchased for my spring wardrobe in the past month or so!

Mirrored Storage Box With Crystals - $12.99
Not only does Burlington have amazing clothes, they also have a TON of awesome home decor. I could easily spend my entire paycheck there in 10 minutes if I wasn't careful. Lol. I've been wanting a mirrored storage box for a while to put as a decorative item on the vanity I plan on getting (eventually). I came across this one and fell in love. The top of it has fake diamonds (that look real) under a glass panel, and they move around when you open and close the box. I am completely in love and so happy I found this!

Nude Studded Bebe Purse - $39.99

A lot of women are obsessed with shoes, and while I love shoes, I am definitely more obsessed with purses. I needed a new one for the spring because my everyday Coach purse that I've been using was getting pretty worn out. I saw this one and fell in love right away. It has gold hardware, and comes with a little wallet. It's nice and big with a dividing pocket in the middle. The little puff ball is mine, I bought that from Burlington a while back but it matched perfectly so I clipped it on there.

Steve Madden Sneakers - $19.99

I desperately needed white gym shoes for the spring, because I only have colored gym shoes (pink, green, black, etc.). I was so excited when I found these because they are super cute with the stars on them, and they were only $19.99!! Steve Madden shoes for $19.99!! I couldn't believe it! #TotalSteal

Panty Sets- $8.99 for 3 thongs, $8.99 for 3 boyshorts
I am forever buying panties. You can NEVER have enough. I bought two 3-packs. One pack was thongs (pink, white, black) and one pack was boyshorts (pink, white, black). I didn't feel the need to lay them all out, lol, but you get the idea.

Derek Heart Shorts - $6.99

These are the softest shorts I've ever felt. I had to get them, and they were only $6.99! Plus I love the color, I've been really loving maroon everything lately.

Sweatpants- Leopard Print $10.99, Colorblock $12.99
I lost a lot of my clothes when I moved, so I really needed sweats to lounge around in. I hate wearing jeans in the house, so I can never have enough sweatpants/joggers/PJ pants/etc. These were both adorable so I had to get them.

Leggings- $5.99 each

We're not allowed to wear jeans at work, so I wanted to buy some more bottoms to wear to work. (I don't wear them as pants, I always make sure whatever I wear on top is covering my butt while wearing leggings, lol.) Leggings are another thing you can never have too many of. I wanted some more fun, springy prints, and at $5.99 you can't beat the price, so I bought two! I'll definitely buy some more when I go back.

High Waisted Destroyed Denim Ultra Crop Jeans- $12.99
I love destroyed denim, especially for spring/summer, so when I saw these jeans I had to have them. After looking at the price tag, I loved them even more. I tried them on and they fit like a glove so into my cart they went! 🙂

Lightweight Floral Hoodie - $10.99
I thought this was super cute and great for chilly spring days. It is really lightweight but still has a hood so it's perfect for spring.

Floral Sheer Top With Shoulder Cutouts - $9.99
In case you couldn't tell already, I'm very into the floral print trend lately. I love that this top is opaque in the front but sheer in the back. It has the cutest shoulder cutouts and the color is gorgeous. 

Floral Tee - $10.99
The quote on this shirt really resonates with me, and I love the beautiful floral print. I already have a few outfit ideas centered around this top and can't wait to wear it!

Extra Long Hi-Lo Cami - $2.99
I found this on clearance. It's a nude colored cami that is perfect to wear under something. It's shorter in the front and longer in the back. It's racerback and has lace detailing. Super pretty and you can't go wrong paying $2.99!

That's it for this collective haul. I hope you guys enjoyed seeing everything I got! I'll definitely do another one in a couple months. Please keep in mind that this post is not sponsored and I paid for everything with my own hard-earned money! 🙂 Have you gone shopping for spring/summer clothing? Is there anything catching your eye? What spring trends are you loving? Let me know in the comments below! 💖

xo, Sarah


  1. The purse and sneakers are my favorites.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic

    1. Me too. :) Thanks for stopping by! <3

      xo, Sarah

  2. I love the shorts and other comfy clothes you got.. so pretty! You have a lovely blog here too by the way, well done you, I know it takes a lot of hard work to blog like this! x

    1. Thank you so much! Super sweet of you to say that. It's definitely a lot of work, even this post for example took a couple of hours to get done between taking photos, going through the receipt for the prices, etc. It's definitely worth it though. I like reading back through my old posts and love interacting with other people that are into the same things as me. 🙂

      xo, Sarah

  3. Thanks a lot :D

    love all articles, specially your bag :D nice sellection dear

    NEW COOKING POST | 3 Steps (only) to an amazing RED FRUITS CHEESECAKE
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

    1. Awe thanks so much! You're too sweet. 💖

      xo, Sarah

  4. The mirrored storage box looks amazing! You deserve to treat yourself after you work hard earning money and taking care of your family. :)

    The Pink Lemonade Girl

    1. I love it! I saw it and put it in my cart immediately. I saw some other lady eyeing it and didn't want her getting it, hahaha. #savage

      I agree. We need to remember to be good to ourselves sometimes too. I know for me personally, I'm so focused on everyone else, it's easy to forget about myself and my own needs. It's always nice to treat yourself, especially since a lot of these things were things that I NEEDED anyway. 🙂

      Hope you have a wonderful week! 💖

      xo, Sarah

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! Looking forward to reading more from you! 💖

      xo, Sarah

  6. You know for the longest time I thought BCF only sold coats, I was shocked to find out they sold more, haha. We didn't have one of those where I lived growing up. Random thought for the day. You got some great deals!

    1. Me too! LOL. I was shocked when I went in there one day and saw how much other stuff they have! They literally sell everything, lol, from snacks to clothes to shoes to toys to home decor... it's a one stop shop. haha :)

      xo, Sarah

  7. I love that bag, looks so gorgeous with the furry pendant. And all the floral things, you really have a cool style :D

    Have a great week, xx



    1. Thanks so much, you're so sweet! I always try to wear things that not everyone will have. I love to have my own style and not be dressed like every other person on this earth. lol. When I find something even a little bit different or unique, I always try to get it. :)

      xo, Sarah

  8. Thank you for the really sweet and kind comment Sarah, I really appreciated it... although I feel so self centered with my pain, I am grateful people understand xox

    This is quite the haul and it's good to treat yourself from time to time... I haven't done this in a while but I did get my hair done and that helped a great deal ...

    Have a great week xox

    1. Of course! Any time. 💖 I'm glad you got to get your hair done, that is a HUGE confidence boost. You deserve to be pampered, especially with what's going on with you right now. Hope you have a wonderful week. 💖

      xo, Sarah

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you! I appreciate you visiting and taking the time to comment! 🙂💖

      xo, Sarah

  10. Nice haul :) And thanks for your comment ♥

    Best wishes,

    1. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!!

      xo, Sarah

  11. Replies
    1. I'm in love, they're Steve Madden and I got them for such a great price! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it! 💖 I actually JUST came from reading your blog right before I checked my comments!

      xo, Sarah

  12. That purse is so cute, and I love the floral top and the 'faith hope love' top. It's nice that you try to save a little to get yourself something fantastic once in awhile. You deserve it, my friend. You have a good heart.



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